1. Abhishek Moitra selected to present his DAC 2024 work on efficient transformers for language and vision at SRC TECHCON 2024. Congratulations Abhishek! - Sept. 2024

  2. Dr. Shuo Li (post-doc from our lab) joins Fudan University as Assistant Professor. Congratulations!. - July 2024

  3. Prof. Panda is an invited speaker at DAC 2024 Workshop on In-Memory Computing to talk about "A CO-DESIGN APPROACH TO EFFICIENT AND DEPLOYABLE IN-MEMORY COMPUTING". - Apr. 2024

  4. R. Yin, A. Moitra, A. Bhattacharjee, Y. Venkatesha secure summer internships at Cerebras Systems, Bell Labs, TSMC, Amazon. Congrats to everyone! - May 2024

  5. Our lab's first Ph.D. graduate!!! Youngeun Kim successfully defends his Ph.D. Congratulations Dr. Kim! Dr. Kim will join Meta Reality Labs as a Research Scientist. - May 2024

  6. Prof. Panda is a visiting faculty at Google DeepMind ". - Apr. 2024

  7. Prof. Panda is a special session speaker at ICASSP 2024 to talk about "Are SNNs truly efficient?- A Hardware Perspective". - Apr. 2024

  8. Prof. Panda is a keynote speaker at VLSI-DAT 2024 to talk about "Neuromorphic Computing for Energy-Efficient Edge Intelligence". - Apr. 2024

  9. Prof. Panda is a special session speaker at Resilient Edge Intelligence in Dynamic Environments session in DATE 2024 to talk about "Hardware-Aware Low-Precision Federated Learning". - Mar. 2024

  10. Prof. Panda is an invited speaker at EE seminar in Harvard University to talk about "On-device Intelligence with Spiking Neural Networks". - Mar. 2024

  11. Prof. Panda is an invited speaker at ECE seminar in Duke University to talk about "Energy-Efficient Intelligence with Neuromorphic Computing: From Algorithms to Hardware Design". - Jan. 2024

  12. Prof. Panda gives a tutorial, and workshop presentation at the VLSID Conference in Kolkata, India to talk about "Energy-Efficient Intelligence with Neuromorphic Computing: From Algorithms to Hardware Design". - Jan. 2024

  13. Prof. Panda is an invited speaker at the VLSID Conference in Kolkata, India to talk about "Rethinking AI Algorithm and Hardware Design with Neuromorphic Computing". - Jan. 2024

  14. Our paper on quantization with spiking networks " receives Best Paper Nomination at at ASP-DAC 2023. Congrats to Ruokai Yin and other authors!- Jan. 2024


  1. Yuhang Li and Tamar Geller presents their paper Efficient Spiking Network Inference " at NeurIPS 2023. - Dec. 2023

  2. Prof. Panda is an invited speaker at the Solid State Technologies and
    Devices seminar
    in UC Santa Barbara to talk about "Rethinking AI Algorithm and Hardware Design with Neuromorphic Computing". - Nov. 2023

  3. Prof. Panda is an invited speaker at the Solid State Technologies and
    Devices seminar
    in UC Berkeley to talk about "Edge Intelligence with Neuromorphic Computing:
    From Algorithms to Hardware Design". - Oct. 2023

  4. Prof. Panda is a keynote speaker at the 2023 DARPA ERI Summit to talk about "Computational Needs for Lifelong Learning". - Aug. 2023

  5. Prof. Panda is an invited speaker at IIT Delhi, India to talk about "Rethinking AI Algorithm and Hardware Design with Neuromorphic Computing". - Aug. 2023

  6. Prof. Panda is invited speaker at the 2023 DAC Road4NN Workshop on to talk about "Hardware Accelerators for Spiking Neural Networks for Energy-efficient Edge Computing". - July 2023

  7. Prof. Panda is a keynote speaker at the 2023 ICERM Meeting on Mathematical and Scientific Machine Learning to talk about "Spiking Neural Networks: Opportunities and Challenges". - June 2023

  8. Prof. Panda is a keynote speaker at the 2023 Raytheon Symposium to talk about "Edge Intelligence with Neuromorphic Computing: From algorithms
    to hardware design". - June 2023

  9. Prof. Panda is co-organizing a tutorial on Hardware and Software Co-Design for Edge AI at DAC 2023 . - Jul. 2023

  10. Y. Kim and Y. Venkatesha secure summer internships at Amazon Research. Congrats! - 2023

  11. Prof. Panda is organizing a special session on Neuromorphic Computing at Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers . - 2023

  12. Prof. Panda is guest editing a special issue on Neuro-AI Learning Systems in IEEE JETCAS . - 2023

  13. Prof. Panda joins the Editorial Board of IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems . - 2023

  14. T. Geller wins the best senior undergraduate design project award from the EE department for her work with Intelligent Computing Lab. Congrats Tamar! - 2023

  15. T. Geller selected for Mellon Presentation for her project on spiking neural networks. Congrats Tamar! - 2023

  16. Two papers from our group accepted to DAC 2023. Congrats to all! Paper 1 Paper 2

  17. One paper from our group accepted at DATE 2023. Congrats to all authors! Paper

  18. Prof. Panda is organizing a session on "SPIKES" at ICERM 2023 Meeting on Mathematical and Scientific Machine Learning . - June 2023

  19. Prof. Panda is invited to give a talk on Spiking Neural Networks: Opportunities and Challenges at . - June 2023

  20. Prof. Panda is invited to give a talk on Bio-plausible Algorithm-Hardware Co-Design for Efficient and Robust AI at Talk Link. - May 2023

  21. Prof. Panda is invited to give a talk on Bio-plausible Algorithm-Hardware Co-Design with Spiking Neural Networks at Princeton University. - April 2023

  22. Prof. Panda is invited to give a talk on Neuromorphic Computing: Opportunities and Challenges for Edge Intelligence at TU Eindhoven, Netherlands. - April 2023

  23. Prof. Panda is invited to give a talk on Bio-plausible Algorithm-Hardware Co-Design with Spiking Neural Networks at Brown University. - April 2023

  24. Prof. Panda is invited to participate at the German-American Frontiers of Engineering Symposium organized by the National Academy of Engineering and Alexander Humboldt Foundation in Julich, Germany. - March 2023

  25. Prof. Panda is invited to give a talk on Algorithm-Hardware Co-design with Neuromorphic Computing at RWTH Aachen, Germany. - March 2023

  26. Prof. Panda is an Invited Speaker at AAAI 2023 Workshop on Practical Deep Learning In the Wild . - Feb. 2023

  27. Prof. Panda receives the National Science Foundation CAREER Award for research on distributed intelligence with spiking neural networks. - Jan. 2023

  28. Intelligent Computing Lab joins the JUMP2.0 Center for the Co-Design of Cognitive Systems (CoCoSys)for theme Cognition to conduct research on Distributed Intelligence. - Jan. 2023


  1. Prof. Panda serves on the editorial board of Frontiers in Neuroscience.

  2. Prof. Panda and colleagues from Purdue win the IEEE Brain Technical Community Best Paper Award for work on "Neural Computing With Magnetoelectric Domain-Wall-Based Neurosynaptic Devices". Congrats!

  3. Our paper on "Exploring Temporal Information Dynamics in Spiking Neural Networks" is accepted into AAAI 2023. Congrats to all authors!

  4. Prof. Panda is an Invited Speaker at TCS Thought Forum on Neuromorphic Computing . - Dec. 2022

  5. Prof. Panda gives a talk on "Algorithm-Hardware Co-design for Efficient and Robust Spiking Neural Networks" at the SNUFA 2022 . - Nov. 2022

  6. Prof. Panda gives a talk on "Spiking Neural Networks and their relevance to AI" at the Yale Foundations of Data Science Seminar. - Nov. 2022

  7. Prof. Panda gives a talk on "Exploring Robustness and Efficiency in Neural Systems with Spike-based Machine Intelligence" at the 2022 ICCAD HALO Workshop. - Nov. 2022

  8. Prof. Panda gives a talk on "Neuromorphic Computing" at the Yale Foundations of Data Science Launch Event . - Oct. 2022

  9. Prof. Panda presents at the TinyML Neuromorphic Engineering Forum 2022 on "Exploring Robustness and Efficiency in Neural Systems with Spike-based Machine Intelligence". - Sept. 2022

  10. Prof. Panda is a featured panel speaker at the Neuromatch 2022 conference. - Sept. 2022

  11. Prof. Panda receives the 2022 DARPA Riser Award for work in Energy-aware and Robust Distributed Learning for Extreme Edge Efficiency.

  12. Our paper on "Examining the Robustness of Spiking Neural Networks on Non-ideal Memristive Crossbars" received the Best Paper award in ACM/IEEE ISLPED Conference. Congrats to all authors!

  13. Three papers from our group accepted in ECCV 2022. Congrats to all authors and collaborators! Paper 1 Paper 2 Paper 3

  14. Prof. Panda receives the 2022 Google Research Scholar Award for work in Robust and Distributed learning in Spiking Neural Networks in the field of Machine Perception.

  15. Prof. Panda gives a talk on "Exploring Robustness and Efficiency in Neural Systems with Spike-based Machine Intelligence" at the Fuerberg Workshop on Hybrid AI- combining deep learning, symbolic and neuromorphic.-Jul. 2022

  16. Prof. Panda gives a talk on "Exploring Robustness and Efficiency in Neural Systems with Spike-based Machine Intelligence" at Deepmind meeting on spiking networks.-Jun. 2022

  17. Prof. Panda gives a webinar talk on "Exploring Robustness and Efficiency in Neural Systems with Spike-based Machine Intelligence" at Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland.-May 2022

  18. Prof. Panda gives a talk on "Towards Energy Efficient and Robust Neuromorphic Computing—Algorithm and Hardware Perspective" at the MRS Symposium on Neuromorphic Computing in Spring 2022.-May 2022

  19. Prof. Panda gives a talk on "Spiking Neural Networks: Learning at scale for Diverse Scenarios" at the Intel Labs INRC Spring 2022 Workshop on Offline Training.-Apr. 2022

  20. Prof. Panda gives a talk on "Rethinking the role of ANN-oriented techniques for Spiking Neural Networks" at the Cold Spring Harbor Labs meeting on "From Neuroscience to Artificial Intelligent Systems".-Apr. 2022

  21. Prof. Panda gives a talk on "Exploring Robustness and Efficiency in Neural Systems with Spike-based Machine Intelligence" at Google meeting on spiking networks.-Mar. 2022

  22. Prof. Panda gives a webinar talk on "Spike based Machine Intelligence" at Columbia University Tech Talk.-Mar. 2022

  23. Prof. Panda gives a webinar talk on "Exploring Robustness in Neural Systems with Spike based Machine Intelligence" at the DoE center for Physics Informed Machine Learning at Pacific NorthWest National Labs.-Mar. 2022

  24. Rachel Sterneck receives NCWIT Collegiate Award Honorable Mention for her work on "Energy Efficient and Adversarially Robust Neural Networks" published in IEEE TCAD 2021. Congrats!

  25. Our paper on "MIME: Adapting a Single Neural Network for Multi-task Inference with Memory-efficient Dynamic Pruning" accepted into DAC 2022.

  26. Our paper on "Rate Coding or Direct Coding: Which One is Better for Accurate, Robust, and Energy-efficient Spiking Neural Networks?" accepted into ICASSP 2022.

  27. Our paper on "Privatesnn: Fully privacy-preserving spiking neural networks" accepted into AAAI 2022.

  28. Two papers from our group - "1) Gradient-based Bit Encoding Optimization for Noise-Robust Binary Memristive Crossbar, 2) Examining and Mitigating the Impact of Crossbar Non-idealities for Accurate Implementation of Sparse Deep Neural Networks" accepted into DATE 2022.

  29. Prof. Panda gives a talk on "Towards Energy Efficient, Interpretable and Robust Neuromorphic Computing: Algorithm and Hardware Perspective" at the WTI Integration Conference.-Jan. 2022

  30. Prof. Panda gives a talk on "Exploring Robustness in Neural Systems with Hardwareaware and Spike-based Machine Intelligence" at the NIST Seminar Series on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.-Jan. 2022

  31. Prof. Panda joins the editorial board of IEEE Embedded System Letters.-Jan. 2022

  32. Prof. Panda is co-editing a focus issue on Algorithms for Neuromorphic Computing for IOPScience Journal.-Jan. 2022


1. Prof. Panda joins DARPA, SRC- sponsored Center for Brain-inspired Computing (C-BRIC)- Jan 2021.

2. Prof. Panda joins the panel for Solving the Challenges of Deep Learning on Neuromorphic Hardware at the INRC Winter Workshop-Feb 2021

3. Two papers from our group -1) Efficiency-driven Hardware Optimization for Adversarially Robust Neural Networks, 2) Activation Density based Mixed-Precision Quantization for Energy Efficient Neural Networks accepted into DATE 2021.

4. Tamar Geller, an undergraduate researcher, in Intelligent Computing Lab wins the 2021 Adobe Research Women-in-Technology Scholarship. Congratulations!!! -March, 2021

5. Keynote by Prof. Panda at Brainstorms Festival on 'Towards Robust and Energy-Efficient Spike Based Machine Intelligence'- March 18, 2021

6. Invited Talk by Prof. Panda at Efficient AI Seminar in Rutger's University on 'Energy-Efficient, Robust and Interpretable Neuromorphic Computing through Algorithm-Hardware Co-Design'- March 30, 2021

7. Prof. Priya Panda is co-organizing a workshop on 'Systems and Architectures for Robust and Safe AI' at ASPLOS, 2021-April 16, 2021

8. Youngeun, Rachel and Tamar, researchers from our group go for summer internships at SAIT, DeepMind and Google, respectively. Congratulations!!-2021

9. Two articles published in Frontiers in Neuroscience have been selected for Neuromorphic Engineering Editor’s Pick List.-2021

10. Prof. Panda joins the panel on Workshop on Parallel AI and Systems on Edge.-May 2021

11. Prof. Panda serves as tutorial co-chair in AICAS.-June 2021

12. Prof. Panda along with collaborators from Purdue University and UMass, Amherst obtain funding for DARPA’s Artificial Intelligence Exploration program on Shared Experience Lifelong Learning. -2021

13. Prof. Panda gives a talk on Towards Deep, Interpretable, and Robust Spiking Neural Networks: Algorithmic Approaches at PennState Center for AI Foundations and Engineered Systems (CAFE) Fireside Chat.-Aug. 2021

14. Prof. Panda will give a talk on "Towards Energy Efficient and Robust Neuromorphic Computing: Algorithm and Hardware Perspective" at Workshop on
Neuromorphic Computing: from Material to Algorithm (NeuMA).
-Oct. 2021

15. Prof. Panda will give a talk on Spiking Neural Networks: Algorithmic Advances in ESWEEK 2021.-Oct. 2021

16. Prof. Panda is co-organizing a symposium on Materials and Algorithms for Neuromorphic Computing and Adaptive Bio-Interfacing, Sensing and Actuation at the Materials Research Society Meeting.-Nov. 2021

17. Prof. Panda gives a talk on "Exploring Robustness in Neural Systems with Hardware-aware and Spike-based Machine Intelligence" at the Center for Brain-inspired Computing (C-BRIC)-Joint University Microelectronics Program (JUMP)/SRC e-workshop.-Nov. 2021

18. Prof. Panda will be the session chair for topics on "Beyond Supervised Learning: Approaches for Efficient and Reliable Intelligence" at Design Automation Conference (DAC).-Dec. 2021

19. Prof. Panda will give a talk on "Towards Energy Efficient, Interpretable and Robust Neuromorphic Computing: Algorithm and Hardware Perspective" at the Department of Electronics Engineering Seminar (Virtual), IIT Dhanbad (India), 2021.-Dec. 2021

20. Prof. Panda joins the Neurocomputation and Machine Intelligence center at the Wu Tsai Institute.-2021


1. Prof. Panda invited to present in CSHL meeting on 'From Neuroscience to Artificially Intelligent Systems'-Nov. 2020

2. Papers from our group accepted into ISLPED 2020, ICPR 2020.

3. Prof. Panda invited to present in ICCAD HALO Workshop 2020 on 'Algorithm-Hardware Co-design based Efficient & Robust Neural Computing'-Nov. 2020

4. Prof. Priya Panda wins the Amazon Research Award for 2019!! -April, 2020

5. Invited Talk by Prof. Priya Panda on 'Adversarial Susceptibility and Defense of Neural Networks' at IEEE ETS 2020 on special session in Reliable and Energy-efficient AI-May, 2020

6. Invited Talk by Prof. Priya Panda on ' Toward Scalable, Efficient, and Accurate Deep Spiking Neural Networks' at IEEE SOCC 2020 on special session in neuromorphic computing-Sept. 10, 2020

7. Prof. Priya Panda is co-organizing a workshop on 'Neuromorphic Computing: Opportunities, Challenges and Perspectives' at Design Automation Conference, 2020 -July 19, 2020

8. Invited Talk by Prof. Priya Panda on 'Re-Engineering Computing with Neuro-Inspired Learning: Devices, Circuits, and Systems' at VLSI Design conference-January 8, 2020


1. Our Nature article on challenges and future of neuromorphic computing is available online- November 27, 2019

2. Prof. Priya Panda invited to talk at Numenta Research Meeting- July 12, 2019

3. Prof. Priya Panda invited to chair the session on Bio-plausible Algorithms in the Workshop on Bridging the gap netween natural and artificial intelligence in DAC 2019 - June 2, 2019

4. Intel AI highlights Prof. Priya Panda's past research on Conditional Deep Learning that proposes an early exit mechanism as a power -efficiency strategy for implementing deep neural nets - January 10, 2019