Prof. Panda gives a talk on “Exploring Robustness in Neural Systems with Hardware-aware and Spike-based Machine Intelligence” at the Center for Brain-inspired Computing (C-...
Prof. Panda will give a talk on “Towards Energy Efficient and Robust Neuromorphic Computing: Algorithm and Hardware Perspective” at Workshop on Neuromorphic Computing: from...
Prof. Panda will give a talk on Spiking Neural Networks: Algorithmic Advances in ESWEEK 2021.
Prof. Panda gives a talk on Towards Deep, Interpretable, and Robust Spiking Neural Networks: Algorithmic Approaches at PennState Center for AI Foundations and Engineered...
Youngeun, Rachel and Tamar, researchers from our group go for summer internships at SAIT, DeepMind and Google, respectively. Congratulations!!-2021
Prof. Panda serves as tutorial co-chair in AICAS.
Prof. Panda joins the panel on Workshop on Parallel AI and Systems on Edge